I build static sites with Jekyll because its simple and file-backed.
I build dynamic sites with React because its simple and deterministic.
Sometimes we find a need to deploy a react application inside of jekyll, and its main drawback is locally building/committing the build each time you want to deploy.
Just like if you were sprinkling jquery into a regular website, you have to deploy the assets.
Below we have a solution to use netlify redirects/rewrites, as a way to reverse proxy a subdirectory path onto the index of another netlify project.
That netlify project can be build from a separate repo, or from another folder in a mono-repo style.
Root Repo App
Setup two redirects:
- one for the static assets
/subdir/static/* https://childrepo.netlify.app/static/:splat 200
- one for shadowing the index.html file
/subdir* https://childrepo.netlify.app/index.html 200
It is important the redirects are in this order, because proxies are processed in order.
Child folder Repo App
add environment variable for PUBLIC_URL=/subdir
This tells Create-React-App that the target will be hosted on a sub-folder
You can also use
as a basename for react-router!